Over eight decades of cannabis prohibition have led to the loss of many valuable varieties of hemp in the US and around the world. Rediscovering and preserving the genetic legacy of historical cultivars and landrace strains, and breeding unique modern day varieties is fundamental to the work of Phytonyx and our network of cannabis breeders and researchers. With the Farm Acts of 2014, and now 2018, paving the way, American farmers are finally poised to recover the rich heritage of this plant – for our nation’s agricultural health, and for communities worldwide.

We are passionate about the rediscovery of lost landrace varieties.
Many of us have been under some pretty strong misconceptions about the Hemp plant because of the misinformation propagated during the prohibition of the last 80 years. Whether it’s a belief that it’s a “gateway drug” (*protip – it’s not), or whether we might think that it’s only for the folks in the VW Buses who want to live on communes and be “one with nature” – there are many damaging narratives that have distorted our understanding of this versatile plant and it’s wide array of benefits.
While Hemp is part of the Cannabis family of plants, it does not produce the psychotropic effects associated with THC rich “marijuana” varieties. While abundant in cannabinoids which interact with the endogenous neurological receptors in all humans, Hemp plants are valuable for many reasons. Nutritionally, Hemp is considered a “superfood;” as a medical aid, it affects sleep, chronic pain, migraines, and more; it provides a plastic alternative for manufacturing, an inexpensive raw material for super-capacitors, and its textiles (such as paper, cloth, rope, and more) are infinitely more sustainable than many other sources of fiber.


Hemp is a complete source of protein for vegetarians and vegans, providing all 9 essential amino-acids in their seeds.
Hemp is considered a “superfood,” providing all 9 essential amino acids for a full protein profile, and is especially rich in arginine, which is valuable for heart health. It has a developed fatty acid profile, rich in the Omega 3 acid ALA (alpha-linolenic acid). It is a polyunsaturated fat, making it a valuable addition to a person’s “healthy fat” intake. It is rich in fiber, which assists with healthy gut function, controlling satiety, and stabilizing blood sugar levels. It’s mineral profile is critical for balance, healing, and energy, with high levels of:
Vitamin E Magnesium Phosphorus
Potassium Iron & Zinc
as well as offering a rich B-Vitamin profile including Niacin, Riboflavin, Thiamine, B-6, and folate.
Hemp has fought an uphill battle for recognition in the field of medicine, as its benefits often seem “too good to be true” in comparison with pharmaceuticals that often have a plethora of harmful side effects. CBD – one of the primary cannabinoids in Hemp plants is known to interact with innate receptors throughout the human body, providing numerous benefits for balancing complex problems with inflammation, neurological symptoms, and immune regulation.
It is regularly being used for relief of such issues as:
* Insomnia and sleep issues *
* Epilepsy, seizures, and neurological health *
* Migraines and chronic pain *
* Inflammation and immune disorders *
While Phytonyx and its representatives are not licensed medical professionals, we would encourage you to talk with your health professional about the many benefits of this plant for health and wellness.

For many of us, the constant pharmaceutical grind can be daunting and predominantly unhelpful for long-term health solutions.
Giving Hemp a rich hue requires fiber-reactive dyes, because of its high cellulose & lignin content. It is a “unicorn” in textiles that retains warmth, breathes, and is durable in holding its shape.

Hemp has numerous other uses across numerous industries. Hemp provides comfortable, durable fabrics for clothing and bedding that remain soft and breathable while lasting a very long time under rough conditions. Hemp is also frequently used for rope, as it has a very high tensile strength. As a substitute for trees in making paper, Hemp regenerates much more quickly and enables our most ancient oxygen regulators to continue their work cleaning our atmosphere and fixing carbon into the soil bank. Recent developments in Hemp technology have even enabled the creation of plastic alternatives which – unlike petroleum and synthetic-derived products – biodegrade within three to six months. This plant is truly a gift to help us restore balance to the ecosystems that large-scale agriculture and petroleum-based industry have impacted through generations of uneducated and irresponsible practices.
Our partner farms each follow strict operational procedures to ensure that they not only produce the highest quality product, but that they also are revitalizing their unique agricultural ecosystems through sustainable and organic practices.