

In 2014, a provision of the Farm Bill was passed that allowed Hemp to be separated from marijuana and declassified as a controlled substance. The Farm Bill of 2018 further extended that decision and has revitalized and revolutionized agriculture as we know it.  While Hemp is the same plant as marijuana, it must contain less than 0.3% THC in order to be classified as Hemp. While the 2014 Farm Bill only allowed for Hemp cultivation in highly specific pilot programs (of which Phytonyx is a licensed participant), the 2018 Farm Bill was significantly more expansive. It allows hemp cultivation broadly, not simply pilot programs for studying market interest in hemp-derived products.  It explicitly allows the transfer of hemp-derived products across state lines for commercial or other purposes.  It also puts no restrictions on the sale, transport, or possession of hemp-derived products, so long as those items are produced in a manner consistent with the law.

Phytonyx works diligently through operational procedure monitoring to ensure that all of our seeds and byproducts are produced in a manner consistent with the law.  You can trust that we are continually reviewing our processes to ensure that we uphold the utmost integrity in our business in order to provide confidence in our product worldwide.

* Please note that Phytonyx and its representatives are not legal professionals and any information provided in this site is not considered legal advice. It is recommended that you consult with an independent legal professional regarding any matters of the law or legislation discussed here.